All work is packaged so that developers working remotely require no access to the customer's systems in order to complete their tasks. This encapsulation of tasks follows naturally as a result of the breakup of coding tasks allowed by our use of best practice software architecture and design patterns. System dependent configurations at the customer's option may be implemented by an onsite Nobeah Architect who deploys developed components or by the customers system administrator.
Because no remote access is needed there is no security risk from distributing logins and passwords, or from unencrypted remote access to your systems. Customers can also feel confident about the developed code deployed on their systems. All code must undergo a through review process that ensures it has passed all the tests designed to identify any bugs or harmful defects.
Protects the Business Processes that are your Intellectual Property
You value the business processes that represent a competitive advantage to you. You hesitate to outsource work to just any remote developer because of a need to maintain some traceability and control regarding which onsite contractor accessed what information. You also want to make sure that the business processes you have invested so much in aren't used in solutions created for the next customer. With Nobeah's Managed Remote Development Services these worries can be put aside.
Nobeah's remote service packages specifications, work instructions, and other information intended for delivery to remote developers so business processes are never shared between customers.
Aside from business processes customers might worry about actual code to do specific functionality being used for other customers. Our reuse focuses on abstracting useful solutions into design patterns of more general use that can be provided to remote devlopers and which contain no specific customer code. Nobeah utilizes design patterns that have been tried and tested to implement general functionality in a robust and reliable way. Proprietary customer code can also be protected by decoupling that code using an interface so the functionality can be called from remote developed code without disseminating the code itself. Any code can be protected this way as per Nobeah's Managed Remote Services agreement.